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Projects in the UK

Teindland Wind Farm Proposal

An access route into Teindland Forest

Teindland Wind Farm Proposal – Online Consultation

Welcome to our site and to our online consultation for Teindland Wind Farm. Here, you can find out more about the project and European Energy. Our team values consultation as a key component in the development process. We want the local community, members of the public and stakeholders to engage, ask questions and share their local knowledge. At the bottom of the site, you will find a consultation form to download, which will give you an opportunity to ask questions, share views, opinions and comments about the project.

Wind Farm Development

Wind farms are supported in general in Scotland, with developments over 50MW being identified as National Infrastructure in the Scottish Government’s National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4), which notes that

“A large and rapid increase in electricity generation from renewable sources will be essential for Scotland to meet its net zero emissions target”

European Energy Wind Power

An evolved design

Since the first round of exhibitions, there has been a great deal of activity, and through surveys and consultation, the turbine locations have been informed and optimised.

For this design we have

  • Avoided areas of deeper peat and bog restoration;
  • Carried out ecology and ornithology surveys, and avoided sensitive areas;
  • Carried out noise surveys and ensured that turbines are at sufficient distance to meet acceptable noise limits;
  • Located turbines to optimise views from key locations, and maximise distances from residential properties;
  • Developed a track and infrastructure layout that re-uses existing tracks as far as practicable, and minimises environmental impacts;

The above has informed the removing of five turbines from the proposals, and lowering the height of four more.

Teindland Wind Farm Proposal

Key Project Information

This informed and optimised design for Teindland Wind Farm now comprises:

  • 12 turbines and crane hardstanding areas; 8 turbines will be up to 230m to tip and 4 turbines will be up to 200m to tip;
  • Co-Located Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) with the wind farm to maximise the use of the grid connection;
  • On Site substation;
  • On Site Access Tracks linking the Turbines and Development infrastructure to the B9103; and
  • Site office and staff welfare facilities.

Grid Connection

Teindland Wind Farm has a connection agreement with National Grid ESO at Blackhillock Substation. Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc will deliver this connection. The connection is not reliant on the Highland grid expansion by Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN)

Will works be required?

The proposed loads would not be able to pass underneath the rail bridge in its current form. A detailed civil engineering assessment has been undertaken to review the feasibility of traversing under the bridge. This identified that lowering the road either side of the bridge will provide adequate clearance for the proposed loads to pass under the structure.

Remedial works will be required at various other points along the route to accommodate the loads in the form of physical works or as traffic management interventions. The detailed designs of any remedial works are still to be designed and will be agreed with stakeholders.

Teindland Wind Farm Proposal

Development timeline

Site Search

Working with the grid operators and landowners to identify suitable land, close to substations with capacity.

Environmental studies

Desk-based and field-survey studies to understand the key aspects of the local environment, to inform the design and assess the potential impacts, to ensure the scheme is acceptable.


In parallel with the environmental studies will be engagement with the local community to inform them of the proposals and seek their feedback on environmental and human factors that could be affected by the scheme.


The outcome of an iterative process that considers technical factors and environmental (including human) factors to achieve the optimal design for the scheme.

Current phase

Second Consultation

A second round of engagement with the local community will be undertaken to provide feedback on how their comments have been considered in the design process.

Application and submission

The application for consent will comprise plans showing the proposals, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report and a planning statement that sets out the need and planning policy context for the project.

Consenting authority

This is the opportunity for the public to submit representations to the consenting authority with their views on the scheme, as part of the formal consenting process.

Consenting decision

The Government will decide whether to grant consent for the project and will issue a decision notice. If the project is approved, the decision notice will include planning conditions that the project must adhere to.

Where are we in the consultation process?

Post Second Consultation

We hosted two rounds of public consultation events in 2024, to present the most recent up to date plans for the proposed Teindland Wind Farm and to invite local feedback on the proposals. We want to thank everyone who attended or who engaged with the consultation online, and those who contacted us by email. The European Energy UK team values consultation as a key component in the development process.

The first round of events were held;

● 5 June 2024, 2.30pm-7.30pm, The Grant Hall,  Rothes
● 6 June 2024, 10am-5.30pm, Fochabers Public Institute, Fochabers

with an online consultation which ran from the beginning of September

The second round of events were held

  • 26th November 2024 10.00am-3.00pm, The Grant Hall,  Rothes
  • 26th November 2024 5.00pm-8.00pm Inchberry Hall, Inchberry
  • 27th November 2024 1.00pm-7.00pm Fochabers Institute

We are updating the site with information presented at these events and will continue to update and add files as we move further through the process

The EIA will consider a number of topics, including (but not limited to) the following:

The EIA includes the assessment of impacts on ecological and ornithological receptors (both species and habitats). To inform the design, a number of surveys and assessments have been carried out. These include:
• Protected species surveys;
• Habitat surveys;
• Bat monitoring surveys; and
• Bird flight activity surveys.
These surveys have influenced the design, with turbines either being moved or removed from the design to minimise impacts on receptors. These surveys will be used to inform assessments of the final design which will be reported in the application.

A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) is being undertaken as part of this Environmental Impact Assessment, which will establish the potential effects of the project on the surrounding landscape and visual receptors, such as Landscape Character and Residential Properties.

Hydrology has been a key consideration in the design of the development, with consultation with Moray Council and Scottish Water, identifying private water supplies and recommended exclusion zones. Having these identified has allowed for an informed design which avoids impacts to these as far as possible.

Phase 1 peat surveys have been undertaken to understand peat coverage across the site. Areas of deep peat have been avoided during the design of the development. Phase 2 peat surveys will now be undertaken to gather more information on the areas where infrastructure is proposed, including access tracks, substation, BESS and areas of hardstanding.

Little in the way of known archaeology has been identified on site; where features have been identified, these have been avoided through careful design. The assessment will focus on the potential impact on the settings of cultural heritage assets, such as Scheduled Monuments, Listed Buildings, and Gardens and Designed Landscapes, which could arise through a change in views.

A background noise survey has have been conducted from several residential locations in the vicinity of the site. The noise data collected will be used to calculate noise limits which will be written into a condition of any consent in order to protect residential amenity. Noise modelling will be carried out to predict noise levels from the proposed turbines to ensure that these conditions can be met.

It is currently expected that access will be taken to site from the B9103. Traffic and transport assessments will carried out and included in the application, which will assess the impacts from the increase of construction traffic during the construction phase. This assessment will allow us to draw conclusions on the significance of any increase in traffic, taking consideration of safety.

The layout of the development has been designed carefully to minimise impact on forestry by avoiding putting infrastructure in blocks of mature trees as far as possible. Where this is not possible the block will be felled and replanted around the infrastructure. Around each turbine, there will need to be a “keyhole” which will be kept clear of trees in accordance with guidance to protect bats. A revised forest plan setting out the proposed changes to woodland and trees on site will be included with the application.

A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA)

A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) is being undertaken as part of the EIA. The purpose of this is to establish the potential effects of the project on the surrounding landscape and visual receptors. An LVAI evaluates the visual and aesthetic impacts of a project and helps to identify and suggest ways to minimise the effects.


As part of the proposal, we have created a number of visualisations. Photographs have been taken from key viewpoints around the wider area, looking towards the site. Our team then used the ZTV information to produce visualisations of the completed project.

Public Consultation Boards

If you would like to view the boards from the second round of public consultations, you can see screen versions below. All the information here is already included on our web page

ZTV imaging

Here is a larger version of our ZTV imaging. The original file is very large, but we have produced a version here which can be downloaded in a short time.

  • ZTV

    Type: Additional Imaging

Teindland Wind Farm Ltd is a joint venture project with our partners, Locogen.

Our aim is to increase onshore wind capacity for Scotland. We adhere to the Scottish Government’s benchmarks that set exemplar standards for projects and for community engagement.

European Energy

European Energy is an internationally recognised and award-winning expert in facilitating the development, construction and operation of renewable energy systems.


Locogen is a Scottish based renewable energy consultant and developer with a long history of successfully developing and constructing renewable energy projects throughout the UK.

Teindland Wind Farm Proposal Feedback Form

Below, you will find an editable feedback form which you can download. It is important to us that your views, local knowledge and considered opinions are included as part of the consultation process. Please complete the form as fully as you can.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
How local are you to the proposed wind farm project?
Please select your age range
How aware are you of the proposed wind farm project?
What is your general attitude towards wind energy
Do you consider renewable energy to be important in tackling the global climate change emergency and meeting the UK's Net Zero ambitions?
Do you believe that onshore wind has a key role to play in the UK's energy security?
What benefits do you believe the wind farm will bring to the community? (Check all that apply)
What concerns do you have about the wind farm? (check all that apply)
Do you make use of the Teindland Forest area?
How would you like to be kept informed about the progress and development of the wind farm project?
How do you prefer to provide feedback or raise concerns about the wind farm project? (check all that apply)